Tag Archives: sweat everyday

Kicking Butt and Staying Strong

8 May

Gonna just share my post that I wrote this morning for Sweat Everyday (MY BUSINESS!!!). Hope you all enjoy.

Kicking Butt and Staying Strong

Reading Sacha’s previous couple of posts really got me motivated! I LOVE watching her beat the guy/red pad up.


I can watch that one over and over again! So inspiring! Even more inspiring after being inundated with the news the past few days of the three women who were abducted for ten years. It makes me want to be stronger and more prepared for any assailant who tries to come my way.

This is yet another reason we feel it is SO IMPORTANT to Sweat Everyday. You have to be physically and mentally strong for life because, each day it throws so much at you. Some days there are EXTREME situations that affect your health and well being.  Other times, there are hiccups that just disturb your natural flow. Taking time each day to take care of you can help build you and, make you stronger. So, when those times come you will have something within you to carry you through. Being active and staying fit is a way to build yourself; don’t forget your peace of mind too. Meditate, pray, clear your mind of the negative so you can stay strong.

Stay strong and find time today to get yourself stronger.

Kick some butt (not literally any persons behind, more of a pad, kickboxing class, martial arts type of butt kicking); it’ll help you feel better!








What are you going to do today to stay strong?




Krav Maga

4 Apr

My cousin Sacha is “Ms. Krav Maga” in my opinion. She’s super fit and strong and that is very motivating. So, I got to go to her studio Krav Maga DC with her and tried it out. Check it out below (hilarious):



Have any of you tried it?

Spring Workout

22 Mar

Here is my weekly post for Sweat Everyday. Posted on Tuesday of this past week. Enjoy!

Yesterday marked the first day of Spring , yet for many it was still chilly. Some of us even experienced snow flurries!


The sun DID manage to peak out and shower us with sun-rays so, April decided it was time to get outside and workout. Maybe you can go outside, bundle up and get your workout on too. It’s never too cold (ahem-ok, April’s personal too low point is  40 degrees) to stay active.

If you need a quick idea on how to jump start your spring training just see April share her quick morning workout.

  April’s morning workout

Watch Later

April’s post workout

Watch Later

There is nothing like a change of seasons to help change your workouts or,  jump-start your workouts.

What you do for a quick workout on a brisk spring day?

Happy Spring Everyone!


16 Mar

Below is the post I shared on Sweat Everyday.

The sun broke through the clouds yesterday and, although it was not hot, it was warmer than 35 degrees with the sun out! That meant I could go outside and workout. HOWEVER I don’t run or walk without the temperature being above 45ish. However, I needed some movement, some cardio. Something had to be done to get my heart-rate up, and get me into my  fat burning zone. What to do? AH! I had a jump rope. I actually have quite a few from my classes and clients I teach so, I pulled one out and jumped in the backyard.



With my sweats on and my hoodie on my head I started jumping while my youngest was playing football by himself in the grass. I started with 30 jumps, then stopped and did some squats. I did another 50 jumps and, added more squats. Then I did 65 and added one last set of 75 and I felt great! My heart rate was up, my breathing was a faster and I felt great! It didn’t take long and it was just what I needed.

So if you need a quick workout, a pick me up and a little extra to add into your workout grab a jump-rope. They are inexpensive and, a good workout. I’m sure you’ve seen those boxers at the gyms jump all of the time. And they are always in good shape! If you ever stop by a Crossfit workout you’ll see some WODs with jump-roping in it.

AND, for us ladies who have had babies…Well let’s just say I was safe and dry! You can do it too!


Here’s some theme music for you.

Kriss Kross Jump


Finding My Balance

1 Feb
Me in side Crow Pose

Me in side Crow Pose

I cannot say that I am an authority on balance. I look back over my life and find that balancing my lifestyle differed according to where I was in life. In my 20’s, with no husband and children, I balanced work, college, post graduate studies, and a social life. Once I married my life shifted and, I had to find a new balance. In my 30’s I birthed one child, then two and three came soon after!! NOW I REALLY HAD TO BALANCE! To be honest here, often I was unbalanced. What I have always had was a desire to be:


-engaged in life and

– always at peace.

In each decade of my adulthood I really would strive for balance in my life. The 20’s found me in college where I was active as a cheerleader and dancer. After college, I taught dance classes (as well as a teacher in the public schools). I took ballet classes and joined a gym. In my 30’s I resurfaced from the new motherhood trenches and exercised more, taught more fitness classes and, found sanity when I spent time doing something for myself. That something was exercising. It helped me release which, in turn, helped me handle the ins and outs of life.

Today (in my 40’s here), I found this definition of balance in my ZEN cards by Daniel Levin


The Center is not always the point of balance. When you find that place where BALANCE is achieved, Peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything RESTS without strain.

That sums up balance for me now. That place where I have peace and I find that all is well with myself; spirit, soul and body. My sense of peace and stability change with life. It ebbs and flows and, there are days as well as seasons that I am well out of balance. Ultimately, I always come back to the center, my center. And, for me that always includes time to Sweat Everyday!
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