Tag Archives: SAHM-stay at home mom

Doesn’t take much to Do it – getting in a little workout for you – push-ups and downward dogs

22 Jan

It doesn’t take much to stay fit. That is what I always say! “Hmph!” That is also what I say. Where do you find the time? After chasing three boys around the house, carting them all around town, attempting to “do you”, and manage a household, plus a little working (did I mention I’m suppose to be a SAHM), and then being a wife, lover, friend. Where does one find the time? I don’t, often I crash, around midnight, only to wake up again to the sound of children rustling through the pantry and the day starts again. Time….where are you?

Well, this morning I found the time. Woke up at 6:30am (yes,unfortunately, it’s Saturday), to the sound of hubby’s alarm (he has nowhere to be and doesn’t even hear it let alone wake up to it-that is another blog…lol), I go and see about the 10-year-old who has been awake since 5am (why son?!). He needs comfort and help with his sore throat. I pray – “Hey God it’s me”…”I know I’ve been slacking”…”I LOVE YOU, Amen”! I go online – loving social media. I buy tickets to Blue Man Group (9 year olds favorite group). Anyway, I “do” everything but what about my fitness? Aha! Push-ups…drop do 10 get back into whatever it is I’m doing. Ten, okay 20 minutes pass drop another 10, a few downwards dogs and I’m feeling good. Hey, another 15 minutes goes by…why not another 10 push-ups and some downward dogs plus a plank. Hold on gotta drop and do 15…Okay I’m back. you see another 15, a few more yoga asanas, a plank and my heart rate is up, I feel a tingle in the arms and chest. I’m on it!

You see it doesn’t take much, often times there is no prescription. Yes, there are better ways to really formalize your fitness program in order to maximize the benefits but you just gotta get it in! Start there, do what you can and you’ll build it up. I’m starting there. I know I may not count because I teach group fitness and I am a little more self-motivated but not all the time. Trust me on this!

Peace to you and let your time count. Let me know how you are doing. I’d love to cheer you on! Oh-oh…I gotta drop and do 10!