Tag Archives: Pennsylvania

Spring, really?

21 Mar

Supposedly spring is here. The vernal equinox was on March 2oth.

Someone forgot to tell Mother nature to check that off of her to do list because, the weather is no better here in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania than it was last month.

This past weekend I took son#3 to an Easter Egg hunt. He HAD to wear gloves, a jacket and mittens. Why? BECAUSE IT WAS COLD! Not Los Angeles, CA cold BUT, Pittsburgh, PA cold!

I HAVE NEVER thought of snow in Spring (unless you drive to it, far away, to snowboard). It amazes me that it is still below 30 degrees. The sun and I have a whole new relationship now. I am like a cat. Whenever the sun-rays come out I am ALL IN! I run to the window, snuggle up on the floor right in the one sun-ray that beams into the window for the few minutes of sun that will come in. I say few minutes because it is never a full day of sunlight.

I purchased Vitamin D and now take it because I could possibly develop rickets here from lack of sunlight. Are you laughing? I’m serious! As I sit here typing this it is 21 degrees outside and now the sun has been enveloped by clouds. Ho hum! Spring is coming! Oh wait, it’s already here!

Happy Spring!

In Limbo

18 Oct

This morning I was filling out an online form and was prompted to write in my zip code. At that moment it hit me that, right now, I technically have no official zip code. No home, I’m in limbo.

On our journey from Georgia to Pittsburgh we are in between homes. I am neither a 30044 or a 15241 resident just yet. Our home sold and closed on 10/18 and we are SUPPOSE to close on 10/19 here in PA; yet today I am a non-resident either state.

All of our belongings are packed on a moving truck and left yesterday. It really brings to mind that material objects, even a house aren’t what makes a family. My family is here, content, laughing and full of life, while just being together in a car, with a weeks worth of clothes (an electronics, we’re not that content yet).

Maybe when I sit in my new home, in the cold I can remember this. Just being together and being content as a family. Enjoy your fam today too!

Bye Ga, bye house



Crashing Out of the Blogosphere

2 Oct

I often tend to get SUPER excited about new things. That is not a bad trait;  however, with the extreme excitement I create the antithesis is sure to follow.  So, as high as I get, is sometimes, as hard as I fall. My excitement with blogging faded, not out of desire but  more because of the lack of time. I was being consistent (my sense of consistency) with blogging and then I just stopped, crashed out of the blogosphere. I need to get that time back and right now I have a little window to do so.

We are in transition. My 12 years of Southern living is coming to a close and we are venturing up North to Pittsburgh, PA. Me, the native Californian,  turned Southerner is now moving to PA! CA, GA, PA! It’s going to be VERY interesting. More on that later…

So, since we are in transition, waiting to close on a home in PA, things have changed at home. I have the boys out of extra curricular activities; I have resigned my posts at their schools, so no PTA, etc. I even stopped teaching my group fitness classes and guess what? It feels good! It is as though  we are a “normal” family. Except hubby is working 650 miles away and we don’t see him much. Isn’t that the new normal family though?

Am I, was I, trying to do too much at one time? This moving transition, caused me to stop doing all the other stuff and I realized just how much crap stuff I was trying to do. Although I am exhausted with the moving/relocating process, it is good. We are selling our home, buying a new home, researching Pittsburgh like crazy, and everyday is filled with crap stuff that has to be done. However, I am not driving all over town to football, fall baseball, soccer and orchestra  practices in the evenings, every evening of the week.

I read an article yesterday, in Newsweek ( on The Daily Beast via Twitter) about Why Women Should Stop Trying To Be Perfect, written by Debra Spar. It really brought to light the plight of my life in terms of busyness, momhood, etc. It is a provocative article and I feel it really captures the plight of the American Woman in our society. (I’ll be blogging on  that soon). What this article made me reflect on was how I was and am trying to be the perfect woman, wife, mom and wearing myself OUT in the interim. So, seeing that I cannot do everything at once, with equal vigor, and expect excellent results in each area I realize now that is why my blogging fell by the wayside. Other things fell off the wayside too, but I’m focusing on the blogging. It’s back.

With the release of so many activities that filled our time, I have a window of time to actually BLOG!!! Back to my new passion of writing. My excitement is back but a little more tempered so my next fall may only be a dip and not a crash!