Tag Archives: dance

Just Dance – love/peace/soul

6 Oct

Every Thursday I teach a Latin Fusion class. I LOVE my class. We have a BLAST every week. Me and usually 50-60+ students are grooving away.

Me on stage teaching a class

I have been teaching this particular class for about four years now. I love listening and choosing the music, I love choreographing the dances, and I love dancing.

That’s it! I LOVE TO DANCE. I have been dancing all of my life. Started out as a ballet dancer as a 5 year old and went on to college to dance, now I do it as an adult. It has always been the essence of who I am. No matter how tired I am, I get in there and something just takes over and I am a dancing machine. I forget about anything else going on and I am moving and grooving, yelling, throwing my hands up in the air and just going for it. It is such a relief.  I forget I am a wife, mother of three with dishes to do, laundry, housecleaning, errands, bills, pick-ups, practices, the list goes on and on. I forget that sadness of those who died, and the ails of  our country and world. I embrace the thing that connects all life music and dance.

What makes it even better is that I sweat like crazy and burn at least 500 calories each week. How sweet is that. Right afterwards I teach yoga and that completely calms me down. I just love Thursdays.

Me, in the center with my mic on, with some of my great students in the class

What do you like to do to relieve stress? Have you danced lately?