Tag Archives: health

Finding My Balance

1 Feb
Me in side Crow Pose

Me in side Crow Pose

I cannot say that I am an authority on balance. I look back over my life and find that balancing my lifestyle differed according to where I was in life. In my 20’s, with no husband and children, I balanced work, college, post graduate studies, and a social life. Once I married my life shifted and, I had to find a new balance. In my 30’s I birthed one child, then two and three came soon after!! NOW I REALLY HAD TO BALANCE! To be honest here, often I was unbalanced. What I have always had was a desire to be:


-engaged in life and

– always at peace.

In each decade of my adulthood I really would strive for balance in my life. The 20’s found me in college where I was active as a cheerleader and dancer. After college, I taught dance classes (as well as a teacher in the public schools). I took ballet classes and joined a gym. In my 30’s I resurfaced from the new motherhood trenches and exercised more, taught more fitness classes and, found sanity when I spent time doing something for myself. That something was exercising. It helped me release which, in turn, helped me handle the ins and outs of life.

Today (in my 40’s here), I found this definition of balance in my ZEN cards by Daniel Levin


The Center is not always the point of balance. When you find that place where BALANCE is achieved, Peace will result in all situations. There is no conflict, for everything RESTS without strain.

That sums up balance for me now. That place where I have peace and I find that all is well with myself; spirit, soul and body. My sense of peace and stability change with life. It ebbs and flows and, there are days as well as seasons that I am well out of balance. Ultimately, I always come back to the center, my center. And, for me that always includes time to Sweat Everyday!
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Bum Foot

19 May

I have really been remiss about a lot of things lately. With my three boys school, baseball, life schedule I have just been running tirelessly around like crazy.  Working out and eating right would be a couple of those things I am remiss about right now. I do have a “good excuse” about it though.

My dear sweet girlfriend, who is a total workout warrior, motivated me, over Spring break, with this text message: “Ran on the beach in my bikini, barefoot, and it was great”. WOW! I thought. I am going to do that too! She was in Georgia, on the coast and I was in Gulf Shores, outside of Pensacola so I figured I’d run too. I ran 2 miles barefoot however, no bikini just shorts and a top.

Gulf Shores

I felt GREAT!!!! I felt great until a day later, my foot began to hurt, it got worse, and now a month later it isn’t as bad BUT it still hurts!

Geesh! I blame it on my age. I use to heal so much faster when under the age of 40, LOL! I must say that my girlfriend is not as “old” as I am and she is a true runner. I am just making excuses now because we are both 40 and up. She even has a FB page for this 400 days Until 40, a page to encourage, uplift and motivate us to continue on our journey, defying age and stereotypes about age.

So, with my foot injury I continue to teach cycle, yoga and ZUMBA, with a good ace bandage wrap but I haven’t worked out much at all. Any pressure on my foot is not good. However I must press on and will! NO EXCUSES!