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Quick Purple Cabbage & Kale

6 Apr

Purple cabbage is a veggie I never associated with anything but a salad bar however, I recently was motivated to cook it and, I have to say it was yummy. It is now a good addition to my meals as a quick side dish to make.

2013-03-05 10.14.18I chop up  kale, onions, fresh garlic and saute them altogether with coconut oil and to cut out some of the bitterness I add a little sprinkle of sweetness (organic sugar or Stevia in my case) all in my favorite cast iron skillet.









I season with sea salt and Everyday Seasoning from Trader Joe’s. The end result turns out so yummy!

2013-01-31 18.12.50

So all you need are the following ingredients:

purple cabbage




garlic clove

coconut oil (or your favorite)

Potato – Turnip Soup

26 Feb
cut up chunks of the potatoes and turnips

6 large baking potatoes, peeled, cut in 1/2 -inch cubes

4 Turnips peeled and cut

1 large onion, chopped

1 quart vegetable  broth

3 garlic cloves, minced (or pressed)

1/4 cup butter

2 1/2 teaspoons salt

1 teaspoon pepper

1 cup cream or 1 cup half-and-half cream

1 cup shredded sharp cheddar cheese

3 tablespoons chopped fresh chives

8 slices bacon, fried & crumpled, for sprinkling
Directions: 1. Combine first seven ingredients in a large crock pot; cover and cook on HIGH for 4 hours or LOW for 8 hours (potatoes should be tender). 2. Mash mixture until potatoes & turnips are coarsely chopped and soup is slightly thickened. 3. Stir in cream, cheese and chives. 4. Top with sprinkle with bacon and more cheese (if desired).

this was inspired by the “Loaded Potato Soup” recipe from Crockin’Girls

Love, Love,Love

14 Feb

Today is a day to share your love! There are so many ways to express love to your loved ones, your pets, your neighbors and most importantly yourself! If you have no one to share it with do it for yourself! Here are some ways I shared love today.

Hubby left to go out of town yesterday so I stuck a card in his bag and this morning I called to tell him to look for it. This morning, I woke up early enough to make heart pancakes for my three boys. Chocolate chip for my middle son, blueberry for my oldest, and regular ones for the baby (well he is 5, not such a baby anymore).

heart-shaped blueberry pancakes; made with fresh blueberries

I made a “love” playlist for my cycle class. We had class this morning at 9:45am and what better way to love yourself than taking a class to improve your health. This is one of my FAVORITE love songs, which I played in class:

I also gave them dark chocolate heart-shaped pieces of goodness! I have never done that before;  we all need a treat sometimes. Not all 45 took it, but some did and appreciated it. I appreciate them for working so hard. Some of my students work harder than I do and I love them for always coming back to my class and working hard with me and inspiring me to be better ( a better teacher and better with my own work out routine)!

There are great things you can do today and everyday to show love. Today, I have a friend who is going to write a letter to God, and express her love for Him! WOW! I think that is beautiful. SO, see today need not be a downer day. Give love, give it to a friend, a neighbor, your family, yourself. No greater gift is there that love. As Stevie says:

“Did you know true love asks for nothing?

Her acceptance is the way we pay.

Did you know that life is giving love again

To last forever, another day?”

Yummy Side Dish

9 Feb

I know it is Winter,not Fall, but a Butternut Squash is always a yummy side dish. Last night, I made baked squash with cinnamon, nutmeg, a little ginger, a tad bit of sweetness and viola! Within an hour I had heartiness along side some fish for my brood. My oldest son (who has a strong disdain for anything squash) said it was good! Well, he said it was “alright”! I’ll take that!
Here’s to eating healthy, quickly and taking care of the family!
I’ll post recipe too.

I used a veggie peeler and peeled of the tough outer skin and the first outer layer of the squash. It was very easy to cut up afterwards. You can also go to Trader Joe’s and buy it already cut.




I dressed the squash in a little olive oil, sprinkled cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and a little turbinado sugar and mixed it all up.


Baked at 400 until it filled our house with a delicious smell and was tender when poked with a fork.

This was a great side, and cured everyone’s sweet tooth too!

Potato-Turnip Soup, Pumpkin Bread and Playful Boys

23 Nov

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This week I am very grateful because, my boys have no school and my husband doesn’t have to travel! I feel as though a huge weight has been lifted off of my shoulders. I am VERY happy. Now, by Friday my post may read GET THEM ALL OUT OF HERE…but for now I am thankful.

We started the week, on Sunday, at home, the five of us just relaxing, watching the games and having fun. Did I mention that I have 3 boys and 1 manchild at home? Do boys ever really just sit and relax? Here is how they spent a portion of their day:

tackling daddy on the floor

They enjoyed it so much and I just watched and was worn out. So, after a nap on the couch we (hubby and I boys were still awake mind you) awoke to find it being later than I planned for us to eat dinner. Much to my joy I realized I had leftovers!!!!! Whoever doesn’t like leftovers is just sad! So, I already had made a potato-turnip soup in the crockpot (love the crockpot) and pumpkin bread earlier in the week…dinner was on!

yummy potato soup

This is actually my picture, of the pumpkin bread I made! I impressed myself with this one.

Today, I have to really cook as tomorrow is Thanksgiving day! I am responsible for the turkey and we are going to a friends house to eat. However, I will cook for us too because we these boys, manchild and Mom need to eat leftovers for a few days! Enjoy your day of thankfulness!
(I’ll post the recipes for my soup and bread.)

Sunday Biscuits

24 Oct

I did make homemade biscuits today! This is a follow-up to my Apples to Apple Pie post. Biscuits are a constant challenge for me. Dinner rolls I am a queen of but biscuits get me everytime. Hubby is my official taster and has had to endure many dry, heavy, biscuits from my trials. I know the recipe by heart and have tried many others, yet I have not found the “perfect” biscuit yet. I also have this issue with Greens, but that is for another post. So, a recap; My girlfriend gave me homemade apple butter and strawberry jam and I had to honor that by serving it with homemade biscuits. I did just that!

Today my recipe came from a fellow blogger

It was one of my best! I have found that I do better with a food processor when making my biscuits.


These are ready for the oven

On most Sundays I make a big breakfast. The 3K’s love it because they enjoy eating together so they call it family breakfast/brunch because it is usually around 1pm (okay maybe 2pm but no later than 3!) by the time we eat. Today’s big breakfast included pancakes, biscuits, grits, scrambled eggs with zucchini, onions and cheese, turkey bacon and turkey sausage with a large pitcher water which had lots of cucumber slices in it. Diets are out the window most Sundays.

fresh out of the oven






They enjoyed the biscuits!

ready to eat with homemade apple butter






Tomorrow, I will workout! I will also resume my cleanse/clean eating. 😉