Yummy Side Dish

9 Feb

I know it is Winter,not Fall, but a Butternut Squash is always a yummy side dish. Last night, I made baked squash with cinnamon, nutmeg, a little ginger, a tad bit of sweetness and viola! Within an hour I had heartiness along side some fish for my brood. My oldest son (who has a strong disdain for anything squash) said it was good! Well, he said it was “alright”! I’ll take that!
Here’s to eating healthy, quickly and taking care of the family!
I’ll post recipe too.

I used a veggie peeler and peeled of the tough outer skin and the first outer layer of the squash. It was very easy to cut up afterwards. You can also go to Trader Joe’s and buy it already cut.




I dressed the squash in a little olive oil, sprinkled cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and a little turbinado sugar and mixed it all up.


Baked at 400 until it filled our house with a delicious smell and was tender when poked with a fork.

This was a great side, and cured everyone’s sweet tooth too!

4 Responses to “Yummy Side Dish”

  1. GiGi Eats Celebrities February 9, 2012 at 8:39 pm #

    OMG that looks like my kitchen every week! I bake a weeks worth of butternut squash and use it for breakfast and sometimes snack on it a little bit if I am hungry! It’s so good!! The only problem is that if I eat it right out of the tub I put it in… I CANNOT STOP! Some people cannot stop eating chips, donuts, cookies.. but I cannot stop with butternut squash! lol.

    • aprilpj February 9, 2012 at 9:37 pm #

      LOL! That was me last night. Munching away! Breakfast!?? Wow, That’s a good idea!

  2. mommasmeals February 13, 2012 at 11:12 am #

    I make it with sweet potatoes too! So yummy!!!

    • aprilpj February 13, 2012 at 8:07 pm #

      I will try it with sweet potatoes. I actually just baked 5 sweet potatoes last night!

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